Friday, February 28, 2014

We celebrated the last day of February with shaving cream.

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Zacchaeus performed by TTH class

The class sang this song for Pastor today during his reading time.  They did this so well I had to share.  

We had a good last day of February we made Lions and Lambs so we are ready for March.  


Wednesday, February 26, 2014


March is coming!  We talked a little about the month coming in like a Lion or a Lamb.  

We painted pictures of Lions to hang up in the room today.  We will make Lambs on Friday to hang up.  We will see on Monday if March came in like a Lion or a Lamb.

If you are coming this Sunday for our Annual Sausage supper be sure to look in the room for our art work.

I have the calendar ready to put in your child's folders on Friday.  Be sure to check on the activities happening next week during Lutheran Schools week.

March's main theme will be transportation.  We will also be reviewing colors especially the colors of the Rainbow.   

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Community helper day!  We had  a great day talking about community helpers.  We had doctors, venternarians, firemen, librarian Lucy and an actress. 

The letter U bag was sent home today for show and tell on Thursday.  

We played musical chairs today and worked on a paper talking about community helpers. 

Jesus time we are talking about Zacchaeus and learning a song about Zacchaeus.  

Monday, February 24, 2014

Community helper day. We had a fireman, veterinarian, policeman, doctors, construction workers and appliance repairman.  

We had a great time talking about all of our favorite community helpers.
We are continuing  to review the letters we have been working on all year.  

In Jesus time we are talking about Zacchaeus.  They are learning a song that tells the story. I hope they sing it to you.

Friday, February 21, 2014

Welcome to Friday

I emailed your newsletter please let me know if you have not received it.  

We will be reviewing letters and numbers this next week.  I am working on plans for March.  Our themes for March are  transportation, rainbows, shapes and colors.  

There is information in the newsletter about the activities during Lutheran Schools week.  Each day there is a special thing happening.  We have the Zoo coming to an all school assembly on Tuesday.  This is open for everyone so Monday, Wednesday, Friday students are more than welcome to attend.  This goes for GRANDS attending on Wednesday for Tuesday/Thursday class.  If you come please meet us in the class room to join the activity.

We did get to go outside again today.  Show and tell went very well the Letter T was well represented.  We had Turtles, Thomas the Tank Engine, Tiana, Toothpaste, Tiger and other great T words.

Have a great weekend 
and remember to that Jesus for the blessings you have been given in these children!

Thursday, February 20, 2014


We had dress up clothes today.  We are still talking about community helpers.  Today's paper we talked about nurses and what they do.

We had our letter Tt bags today.  Great words like turtles, tiara, toaster, telephone, two and toothbrush.  

Be sure to look in your child's folder we have lots of information about coming events and special days ahead.

We will be wrapping up community helpers next week with dress up day on Tuesday.  The students can dress up in their favorite community helper costume.  

I have been working on planning for March which will have a main theme of Transportation.  

We will be collecting for our Family game night basket through next week.  Thank you to those who have donated so far. 

Wednesday, February 19, 2014


We had dress up in the classroom today.  

And we went OUTSIDE!!  They are connected with crate paper and yes they made the walk without breaking the paper.  The fresh air was great.  We even got to see my dog Zeb.  We also saw Fire trucks across the street.  We had a very educational walk.  

Please send something that begins with the letter Tt for show and tell on Friday.  I am sorry I ran out of paper bags, we will have more next week.

There is a note about Lutheran Schools Week March 3-7 we have lots of special activities for the week.  

Friday, February 14, 2014

Happy Valentines Day 

We had a great party day.  We had lots of treats and love shared by all.  This is also pictures of center time.  We did gears, art center, alphabet/number puzzle center and nuts and bolts.  Mostly fine motor today and learning to play with all the friends in class. We learned a new game Musical chairs

I will have a newsletter for you next week.  I did not get to it this week.  The things coming up are:  

  • Still collecting for our "Family Game Night" Basket for trivia, we have a laundry basket in the room we are filling up. 
  • Things to bring board games, card games, snacks anything a family can sit down and play together.
  • Dress up on February 24 and 25th they can wear any favorite community helper costume they would like to wear.  Princesses do count we have been talking about the important jobs that real Princesses do! 
I have a short video of Musical Chairs Carly and Mason were the last ones both times.  Mason won first and Carly won second.